Every DIY enthusiast has the same question from time to time; How to convert a bit messy working space into well-organized tools storage? …

Richwise Australia is happy to introduce the storage system which is easy to build and easy to reconfigure when your tool collection grows. This system is versatile and you instantly can move all your tools there. Can be perfectly installed into your garage or shed. 

It is a perfect weekend project to reorganize and add storage to your workshop and the result will make your family wonder. 

A French cleat mounting system is the way of securing a cabinet, mirror, artwork or other object to a wall. It is a moulding with a 30–45 degrees slope used to hang cabinets or other objects. French cleats can be used in pairs, or with a cleat mounted to the wall and a matching edge cut into the object to be hung. French cleat can hold up to 34 kg weight.  French cleat walls are usually made from plywood, but Richwise Australia doesn’t recommend using the cheapest C/D grade plywood which often contains knots and weak spots that would compromise the results. Opt instead for grade B plywood, which is denser, smoother, and less likely to warp and splinter. Richwise Australia suggests using the 18 or 24 mm BB/BB Russian Birch Plywood to create the best workshop wall. 

Workshop storage is a constant battle, but the use of a French cleat storage system will securely display your tools and accessories, keeping them off your table and out of your drawers. Feel motivated to start? Ask us for the details! 

French cleat tool wall system is tough to beat in terms of both cost and effectiveness. 

1220x 2440x 18 mm BB/BB Russian Birch Plywood $97+GST per sheet

1220x 2440x 24 mm BB/BB Russian Birch Plywood $120+GST per sheet

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